
Retro Game SuperHyper

A new blog about old videogames


August 2020

High Score on Netflix

Last week, Netflix began streaming a new 6-part documentary series on the history of video games, titled High Score. Immediately, my Twitter and Instagram feeds were filled with the impressions of my fellow gamers who were watching it. Of course, I checked it out too — I had to, it’s my duty as a gamer — so, how highly does High Score score?

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Unboxing a Sealed CIB Xenophobe for Atari 2600

Two video posts in a row? What’s this blog coming to?

I’d been on the lookout for a copy of Xenophobe for the Atari 2600, one of the later titles released in the system’s twilight years. Many of the copies you’ll find on eBay are from Europe, and are therefore the PAL format; of course, I was looking for a North American NTSC version, which is a bit harder to find. Well, I took a bit of a gamble on a sealed CIB copy from a seller here in the US, and I recorded the unboxing and the big reveal when I put it into my ol’ VCS and found out whether or not it was what I was looking for. Check it out!

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