
Retro Game SuperHyper

A new blog about old videogames


November 2016

Famicom Detective Club II FINISHED


Well, here’s a quick post just to mention that I’ve finished playing the English fan translation of Famicom Tantei (Detective) Club II. Released on the Nintendo Power rewriteable cartridge format for Super Famicom, it’s a remake of Famicom Tantei Club II for the Famicom Disk System, with all updated graphics and music, developed by Team Shikamaru of Nintendo’s R&D1 division, whom you may be familiar with from Super Metroid. Continue reading “Famicom Detective Club II FINISHED”

Follow Retro Game SuperHyper on Instagram!

Just a quick heads-up that I’m also posting stuff on Instagram @retrogamesuperhyper! I’ll be sharing pics that aren’t related to my blog posts, so please follow me there and keep your eyes peeled for more fun gamer life stuff! Thanks!

Video Vinyl 2

For this installment of Video Vinyl, we’re featuring this Space Invaders record from Germany by a band known as Player [1]. Released in 1979 — actually pre-dating Pac-Man Fever by a few years — it’s a 12″ 45rpm single for this song titled “Space Invaders,” backed with a track called “A Menacing Glow in the Sky.” Continue reading “Video Vinyl 2”

What are we playing? 11.14.16


Here’s a game I’ve been wanting to play for a while: Famicom Tantei (Detective) Club II for Super Famicom. It’s a remake of the game of the same name, which was released on Famicom Disk System; this game even reproduces the FDS boot screen when you start it up. Continue reading “What are we playing? 11.14.16”

My weird obsession with Famicom Gradius II

Back in the late ’80s-early ’90s, when Electronic Gaming Monthly featured lots of Japanese import coverage and was therefore completely awesome, they did a 2-page spread on Gradius II for the Famicom. I liked the original Gradius, but the sequel looked unbelievable. It boasted of huge bosses, amazing graphics, and — holy shit — SPEECH! Yes, like the arcade version (which I hadn’t seen back then, because America), a voice would call out each powerup as you activated it. It was like a 16-bit game crammed into an 8-bit cartridge! I HAD TO HAVE THIS!! Continue reading “My weird obsession with Famicom Gradius II”


When I first bought Super Punch-Out!!, it was a lonely, loose cartridge. Look at it now, all CIB and happy!

As I’ve mentioned, I’m actually working on downsizing my video game collection. I’m still planning on writing about the how and why of this stage in my gamer life, but for now it’s a backdrop to this post.

So even though I’m not adding a lot of games to my collection, I naturally still have the urge to collect. How does one scratch that particular itch? My solution is to make my existing collection better. Continue reading “Upgrade!”

Repros: I dig ’em!

Doesn’t that NES Earthbound look awesome on a shelf with its buddies?

Without getting too deep into it, repros, or reproductions, are physical video game cartridges of rare or unreleased games that are being made by hobbyists for enthusiast collectors who want to enjoy these previously unavailable games on their original game consoles. Usually they’re prototypes, cancelled games, translations (fan or unreleased) of games that never came out in certain regions, or very hard-to-find titles that are otherwise cost-prohibitive for the average gamer to obtain.

Okay, actually, I guess that’s about as in-depth as it needs to get.

Anyway, I’m a big fan of the repro scene, as I do love playing games on original hardware as opposed to on a PC or mobile emulator. And as as collector, I love having unique, unusual pieces that many (if not most) collectors won’t have. Continue reading “Repros: I dig ’em!”

What are we playing? 11.04.16

At the risk of making Retro Game SuperHyper appear handheld-centric (I promise it’s not — don’t worry, I have plenty of console and arcade stuff to talk about, I’ve just been on a Game Boy kick recently), I’ve spent the last few days playing another game that’s been in my collection for years, but I never really played: Bionic Commando for the original Game Boy!

Continue reading “What are we playing? 11.04.16”

Gamer’s Library: Art of Atari – The Book I’ve Always Wanted


I wanted this book before anyone ever said they were making it.

For most of my life, I’ve wondered about the artists behind the amazing artwork on the Atari home video game boxes.

Continue reading “Gamer’s Library: Art of Atari – The Book I’ve Always Wanted”

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