That’s right, October 16, 2021 marks the 5th anniversary of Retro Game SuperHyper! It’s been five whole years since I was having lunch with my wife and suddenly blurted out, “I think I’m gonna start a retro gaming blog.”

Thanks to all of you for reading the blog and the fanzine! It’s been a light year for blogging but a crazy year for gaming — who would have guessed at the beginning of 2021 that we would be playing a new version of Actraiser, and Metroid Dread, of all things?! I have plans to write about both of those games and lots more, and of course issue 5 of the ‘zine is in the works, so please keep visiting for more!

If you haven’t yet, please follow my Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, pick up a zine or a t-shirt, and let me know you like what RGSH is all about. The retro gaming community is pretty rad and I’m proud to have been a part of it for so long. Game on!