
Retro Game SuperHyper

A new blog about old videogames


September 2020

Attainable Goals

For most of my life, I’ve chased one seemingly simple goal: 100,000 points on Galaga.

Continue reading “Attainable Goals”

Arcade 1up Tate Mode Mod

Here’s a project I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, and I finally made it happen!

I’ve been keeping an eye on the Arcade 1up machines since they started improving them, and they’ve become quite popular among gamers for their easy mod-ability…modibility…mod…er…moddib…

They’re easy to put a Raspberry Pi in.

What I really wanted to do, though, was a tate mode, or vertical, version, with the idea of playing vertical shmups and old school games like Pac-Man and Galaga full-screen. Well, the Space Invaders Arcade 1up is the most affordable of all the A1up products, and I was up for a project, so away we go!

I made this video to show it off and explain some of my choices, which may seem a bit odd at first but make sense to me. Enjoy, and don’t forget to like and subscribe!

I took a lot of photos of the actual process, which I think may become a feature in issue 4 of the Retro Game SuperHyper fanzine, so if you’re interested in the guts of the project, look for that next January!

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