Midwest Gaming Classic went down from March 31-April 2, 2023, and I attended on the show’s final day, Sunday the 2nd.

As I’ve mentioned in all of my previous posts about MGC (2022, 2019, 2017), I have attended nearly every year that the show has run since 2005. (There was a blizzard in 2018, 2020 didn’t happen due to Covid, and 2021 didn’t work out for me.) That’s a lotta shows! Some years, I will admit, have been better than others; unfortunately, I felt like I didn’t get much out of it last year, but that was largely due to my own tight schedule, not any fault of the show’s.

However, I am happy to report that this year, I had a great experience and it felt like a true return to form. I saw and played lots of kickass games, picked up some cool stuff, enjoyed some entertaining panels, and met some rad people. Let’s get into it!

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