Hey there, guys and gals. Look, we need to talk.

*pulls up chair, turns it around, and sits on it backward like a school guidance counselor or church youth group leader who really wants to “rap” some “real talk” with the kids*

So, you guys still liking Retro Game SuperHyper? Yeah? Good! Yeah, no, that’s great, I’m glad to hear it! So before you go freaking out or anything, don’t worry — Retro Game SuperHyper isn’t going anywhere, it’s not getting shut down, the blog is staying right where it is, the t-shirts are still for sale, and the fanzine is continuing.

The reason I wanna talk is because there’s just gonna be a few…changes around here, that’s all. But don’t sweat it, champ! It’s all gonna be good stuff, I promise!

Seriously though, as I approach the fourth-and-a-half-year mark of the blog, I felt the need to shake things up a bit, so I wanted to do my half-year SOTB address (which is usually posted mid-April) a bit early to share my plans!

Continue reading “Almost-4.5-year State of the Blog Address”