
Retro Game SuperHyper

A new blog about old videogames



“Reverse” = REBIRTH?!

As I wrote in a post this past summer, Taito is releasing the Taito LD Game Collection in Japan later this year, including HD remasters of their three animated laserdisc arcade classics Time Gal, Ninja Hayate, and Space Battleship Yamato. It was also noted that the collector’s edition would include a serial code for a bonus game, called Time Gal Reverse. But what is it?

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Taito LD Game Collection, or That Time I Willed a Game Into Existence

Remember when I wrote an article called Never Say Never, about games I never thought would come out, but did? And in that article, I had a short list of dream games that I still thought would never actually be released, and one of them was a Time Gal HD Remaster?

Well…guess what Taito just announced.

Continue reading “Taito LD Game Collection, or That Time I Willed a Game Into Existence”

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