
Retro Game SuperHyper

A new blog about old videogames



“Reverse” = REBIRTH?!

As I wrote in a post this past summer, Taito is releasing the Taito LD Game Collection in Japan later this year, including HD remasters of their three animated laserdisc arcade classics Time Gal, Ninja Hayate, and Space Battleship Yamato. It was also noted that the collector’s edition would include a serial code for a bonus game, called Time Gal Reverse. But what is it?

Continue reading ““Reverse” = REBIRTH?!”

Taito LD Game Collection, or That Time I Willed a Game Into Existence

Remember when I wrote an article called Never Say Never, about games I never thought would come out, but did? And in that article, I had a short list of dream games that I still thought would never actually be released, and one of them was a Time Gal HD Remaster?

Well…guess what Taito just announced.

Continue reading “Taito LD Game Collection, or That Time I Willed a Game Into Existence”

The Next Big Little Thing

Having fallen prey to the Mini game machine phenomenon, I have pretty much now wholeheartedly given myself over to just being a sucker for almost all of it.

Continue reading “The Next Big Little Thing”

Famously Obscure Consoles

Who makes video game consoles?

It’s typically the heaviest hitters in the industry, like Nintendo and Sega, or major electronics manufacturers, like Sony and NEC. In the early days it was Magnavox, Atari, and major toy companies Mattel and Coleco. Sure, there will be a lesser-known scrapper in there once in a while, like SNK, but their products typically cater to a more hardcore niche.

But remember, once upon a time back in the early 1980s, Nintendo wasn’t a console juggernaut — they just made and licensed arcade games. They were known for Donkey Kong and Popeye, which they licensed out to companies like Coleco and Parker Brothers to get them on the Atari 2600 or Intellivision. Nobody expected them to suddenly enter the market with their own home console. Same with Sega — I recall thinking, What? The company that made Zaxxon and Congo Bongo has their own systems??

With this in mind over the years, I’ve often wondered what it would be like if some of my other favorite software or electronic companies would throw their hats into the ring and produce new video game hardware. What would happen if, say, Capcom made a game console? Or Konami? Or Hitachi? Turns out, many of those companies not only asked the same question, but actually had plans of their own home video game platforms having reached various stages of completion. Some of them even actually made it to market, and I hadn’t even been aware of them until recently!

So what happens when some of the biggest names in the games and electronics business start kicking around the idea of introducing a new video game console?

Continue reading “Famously Obscure Consoles”

Elevator Action MyArcade Unboxing

I’ve just posted my latest video, in which I take a look at the Elevator Action Micro Player mini arcade game from MyArcade! Check out an unboxing and a level of gameplay, and watch me continue to try to figure out how to YouTube.

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What are we playing? 01.17.17


I’ve dabbled with Elevator Action Returns (aka Elevator Action II) here and there, but never invested the time into playing it all the way through. So the other day, I had a little time on my hands and finally gave it a serious try and now I’m obsessed thanks a lot geez.

A little background: I’m a huge Elevator Action fan. Continue reading “What are we playing? 01.17.17”

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