
Retro Game SuperHyper

A new blog about old videogames



Laser Game SuperHyper

At last! A project I started back in 2021 and have picked away at little by little is finally finished, and I’m so excited to show it off to you now!

I give you…Laser Game SuperHyper!

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“Reverse” = REBIRTH?!

As I wrote in a post this past summer, Taito is releasing the Taito LD Game Collection in Japan later this year, including HD remasters of their three animated laserdisc arcade classics Time Gal, Ninja Hayate, and Space Battleship Yamato. It was also noted that the collector’s edition would include a serial code for a bonus game, called Time Gal Reverse. But what is it?

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Taito LD Game Collection, or That Time I Willed a Game Into Existence

Remember when I wrote an article called Never Say Never, about games I never thought would come out, but did? And in that article, I had a short list of dream games that I still thought would never actually be released, and one of them was a Time Gal HD Remaster?

Well…guess what Taito just announced.

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Dragon’s Lair Replicade: The RGSH Test

Spoiler alert: If you’ve watched my unboxing video or followed my Instagram or read my Tweets or been anywhere near me since it came out, you know that I absolutely freakin’ LOVE LOVE LOVE this machine. So if you came here looking for someone to drag it through the mud(men), go put your quarter in someone else’s blog, because I’m about to gush over this thing like the lava geyser in the electric cage scene.

HI, I’m TJ and I’m a Dragon’s Lair fanboy.

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“Hey Teej,” I hear you saying, “After almost 40 years of video game playing and collecting, what is your ultimate Holy Grail? Also, you’re looking particularly handsome today.” Well, thank you, and yes, I’m so glad you asked that question! If I won the lottery, was independently wealthy, got to spend someone else’s money, or was just plain financially irresponsible, what would I buy from that great mythical reef store that has everything I’ve ever dreamed of? This totally self-indulgent article has those answers! Continue reading “Grails”

Dragon’s Lair Trilogy Collector’s Edition Unboxing

Here’s a piece that I’ve been really excited about: The Dragon’s Lair Trilogy collector’s edition from Limited Run Games for PS4! You all know I’m a sucker for Dragon’s Lair, so I had to pull the trigger on this release, and it sure hit me right in the laserdisc nostalgias. Check out the video to see what’s inside! Continue reading “Dragon’s Lair Trilogy Collector’s Edition Unboxing”

Lost and Found and Lost Again: Chantze’s/Triad Stone/Strahl

Okay, so if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, it’s been established that I’m a geek for laserdisc games. With that said, I recently dove back into that rabbit hole and came up with something interesting: a game I had never heard of, hidden in plain sight.

Continue reading “Lost and Found and Lost Again: Chantze’s/Triad Stone/Strahl”

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