
Retro Game SuperHyper

A new blog about old videogames



Laser Game SuperHyper

At last! A project I started back in 2021 and have picked away at little by little is finally finished, and I’m so excited to show it off to you now!

I give you…Laser Game SuperHyper!

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Gamers’ Library: Pac-Man: Birth of an Icon

Tim Lapetino is the author of one of my absolute favorite video game art/history books, Art of Atari (read my effusive post about that book in the link). Announced on Pac-Man’s 40th birthday (under the tentative name 40 Years of Waka-Waka), his and Arjan Terpstra’s follow-up project, Pac-Man: Birth of an Icon, was published a little over two years ago by Cook & Becker, purveyors of luxurious video game-based art books and prints. Though I pre-ordered it and received it upon its release, due to my regrettable lack of free time it’s only been just recently that I have finally had a chance to sit down and read it. I am happy to report that by all standards, Lapetino and Terpstra have once again knocked it out of the park.

Continue reading “Gamers’ Library: Pac-Man: Birth of an Icon”

“Reverse” = REBIRTH?!

As I wrote in a post this past summer, Taito is releasing the Taito LD Game Collection in Japan later this year, including HD remasters of their three animated laserdisc arcade classics Time Gal, Ninja Hayate, and Space Battleship Yamato. It was also noted that the collector’s edition would include a serial code for a bonus game, called Time Gal Reverse. But what is it?

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Game Room Setup, Part 2

When we last left off months ago in Game Room Setup, Part 1, we had just finished moving into our house and I had a big mess on my hands that I need to turn into a great space for gaming, streaming, and chilling. Well, we’ve been here for about five months now, and I am happy to report that I have…a…somewhat smaller mess on my hands.

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Taito LD Game Collection, or That Time I Willed a Game Into Existence

Remember when I wrote an article called Never Say Never, about games I never thought would come out, but did? And in that article, I had a short list of dream games that I still thought would never actually be released, and one of them was a Time Gal HD Remaster?

Well…guess what Taito just announced.

Continue reading “Taito LD Game Collection, or That Time I Willed a Game Into Existence”

The Pre-order Game UPDATED 5.5.23

UPDATE: The thrilling conclusion to the story, at the end of the article!

Love playing video games? And collecting them too? Well the game-playing doesn’t have to stop when you run out of lives — if you wanna roll the dice on winning and losing some more, why not try pre-ordering your next game?

Okay, that sounds like cynical snark right out of the gate. But I was thinking about this as I’m looking at pre-ordering a title I’m really looking forward to, and realizing that just pre-ordering a new game can be — well, a game in itself.

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Midwest Gaming Classic 2023

Midwest Gaming Classic went down from March 31-April 2, 2023, and I attended on the show’s final day, Sunday the 2nd.

As I’ve mentioned in all of my previous posts about MGC (2022, 2019, 2017), I have attended nearly every year that the show has run since 2005. (There was a blizzard in 2018, 2020 didn’t happen due to Covid, and 2021 didn’t work out for me.) That’s a lotta shows! Some years, I will admit, have been better than others; unfortunately, I felt like I didn’t get much out of it last year, but that was largely due to my own tight schedule, not any fault of the show’s.

However, I am happy to report that this year, I had a great experience and it felt like a true return to form. I saw and played lots of kickass games, picked up some cool stuff, enjoyed some entertaining panels, and met some rad people. Let’s get into it!

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Game Room Setup, Part 1

As I mentioned in my last post, we spent the past couple months moving house. It’s been an intense and exhausting process, but we are finally in our new place. Now, the process of putting it together begins as we live amongst boxes for the foreseeable future, gradually putting away, setting up, and settling in.

Naturally, I wanna dive into putting together my new game room, and I have slowly started putting some things away and roughing out the layout, but of course there’s the whole rest of the house that needs attention too, so I don’t know when the new RGSH Research Lab will actually be complete. I thought I would wait until it was done before getting back into blogging and creating content, but then I thought, why not just document it as it happens?

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Quiet (for now)

Big changes coming to RGSH HQ! I know I haven’t written much very regularly anyway, but the blog and the socials attendant thereto will be a bit quiet for a little while as we are in the process of moving into a new place!

With this move will come some very positive changes to my gaming setups, of course, as well as my ability to stream on Twitch and work on various projects. So in the meantime, please stick with me as we look forward to launching into the next phase of Retro Game SuperHyper to provide even better quality content soon! Thanks and keep your eyes peeled for updates!

Atari 50: Retro done right, again

Back in 2019, I wrote a post about the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection, and raved about how impressively well-put-together it was. The collection of games was the cake, but the icing was the wealth of historical information. SNK40 was lovingly compiled by Digital Eclipse, and to me, was the epitome of classic game collection titles.

Now, Digital Eclipse may have — no, they definitely have — outdone themselves with what may be one of the most significant anniversary collections in video game history. To put it bluntly, Atari 50 needed to be spectacular. And it is!

Continue reading “Atari 50: Retro done right, again”

FINISHED in 2022! (Updated 10/26/22)

This worked out pretty well last year, so with 2022 upon us, it’s time to start a new list! As with 2021’s list, new entries will be added to the top. There’s plenty to play, so let’s get busy:

Continue reading “FINISHED in 2022! (Updated 10/26/22)”

Level 6!

Today is October 16, 2022, which means it’s Retro Game SuperHyper’s 6th birthday!

Continue reading “Level 6!”

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