
Retro Game SuperHyper

A new blog about old videogames



MDb’s Annual Metroid Marathon Starts Today!

The Metroid Databasethe website I started in 1996 — is beginning its annual Metroid Marathon today, and for the first time, I am making my return to the MDb to participate!

With this being the anniversary month of the MDb (launched on October 16, 1996), each October they do a marathon in which they livestream every game in the Metroid series. With the franchise now totaling 14 games, and some of them requiring quite a few hours to complete, that provides plenty of daily content to last throughout the month. This year, they have graciously invited me to be a part of it, and I am honored to have been given the prestigious position of playing through the original Metroid on October 16 at 9:30 pm CDT, live on Twitch!

As you may know, October 16 is also significant because it’s the anniversary of the launch of Retro Game SuperHyper (that was intentional), so it’ll be a fun way to celebrate. I hope you all swing by and watch, chat, and join in the fun!

I will be playing the game on original hardware — no emulators — and there may be a surprise or two as well. I’ve been training hard, playing Metroid 1 over and over, so that I can give you a good show!

Find the full schedule HERE at the MDb. Please check out the MDb’s Metroid Marathon daily at the MDb’s Twitch channel, and follow the RGSH Twitch channel too (the MDb’s channel will also be linked through my channel when they’re streaming). Can’t wait to see you there!

Taito LD Game Collection, or That Time I Willed a Game Into Existence

Remember when I wrote an article called Never Say Never, about games I never thought would come out, but did? And in that article, I had a short list of dream games that I still thought would never actually be released, and one of them was a Time Gal HD Remaster?

Well…guess what Taito just announced.

Continue reading “Taito LD Game Collection, or That Time I Willed a Game Into Existence”

Solving the 2023 Portopia Serial Murder Case

A few years ago, I wrote a post called Solving the Portopia Serial Murder Case. In it, I detailed how I spent a fair amount of time examining the English fan translation of the Famicom version of the adventure classic, Portopia, and figuring out how to complete the game efficiently. After playing through it several times and taking detailed notes, I created a walkthrough which I made available to download.

Now, in 2023, Square Enix has released a new version of this hugely influential title, but with a twist: rather than the text parser input of the PC original or the menu-driven gameplay of the Famicom version, this new edition serves as a tech demo of an AI-driven input system which Square Enix is calling NLP, or Natural Language Processing. Allegedly, NLP is able to recognize a wide array of commands typed or spoken and utilize them to control the game. In theory, this could revolutionize the way graphic adventure games are played.

Continue reading “Solving the 2023 Portopia Serial Murder Case”

The Super Mario Movie: Chris Pratt is the BEST MARIO EVER and Other Observations

A couple weeks ago, my gorgeous, saintly, and astonishingly tolerant wife accompanied her big dorky nerdball husband (that’s me, follow along here) on a date to see the Super Mario Movie. She thought it was pretty good. I LOVED IT.

Continue reading “The Super Mario Movie: Chris Pratt is the BEST MARIO EVER and Other Observations”

Midwest Gaming Classic 2023

Midwest Gaming Classic went down from March 31-April 2, 2023, and I attended on the show’s final day, Sunday the 2nd.

As I’ve mentioned in all of my previous posts about MGC (2022, 2019, 2017), I have attended nearly every year that the show has run since 2005. (There was a blizzard in 2018, 2020 didn’t happen due to Covid, and 2021 didn’t work out for me.) That’s a lotta shows! Some years, I will admit, have been better than others; unfortunately, I felt like I didn’t get much out of it last year, but that was largely due to my own tight schedule, not any fault of the show’s.

However, I am happy to report that this year, I had a great experience and it felt like a true return to form. I saw and played lots of kickass games, picked up some cool stuff, enjoyed some entertaining panels, and met some rad people. Let’s get into it!

Continue reading “Midwest Gaming Classic 2023”

Quiet (for now)

Big changes coming to RGSH HQ! I know I haven’t written much very regularly anyway, but the blog and the socials attendant thereto will be a bit quiet for a little while as we are in the process of moving into a new place!

With this move will come some very positive changes to my gaming setups, of course, as well as my ability to stream on Twitch and work on various projects. So in the meantime, please stick with me as we look forward to launching into the next phase of Retro Game SuperHyper to provide even better quality content soon! Thanks and keep your eyes peeled for updates!

Level 6!

Today is October 16, 2022, which means it’s Retro Game SuperHyper’s 6th birthday!

Continue reading “Level 6!”

Arcade Pilgrimage: Aftershock Classic Arcade, Madison, Wisconsin

This visit has been a long time coming, in more ways than one. Aftershock Classic Arcade is a new game room that’s actually been around for over 20 years. Confused? Sure you are! That’s why I’m here to tell you all about it.

Continue reading “Arcade Pilgrimage: Aftershock Classic Arcade, Madison, Wisconsin”

Midwest Gaming Classic 2022!

After a three-year wait to get back to a normal schedule, Midwest Gaming Classic returned to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in full force this year. Having canceled the event in 2020 because…well, because 2020, then postponing the usual spring weekend in 2021 from April to November because…well, because 2020 again, April 28-30, 2022 finally saw MGC back in action the way we remember it from the Before Times.

Continue reading “Midwest Gaming Classic 2022!”

Raising Act Renaissance

One of the most well-established facts about me on this blog is that I LOVE ACTRAISER. So it should a surprise to nobody that I flat-out lost my mind when the September 23, 2021 Nintendo Direct surprised us all with the announcment of Actraiser Renaissance.

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Back From the Dread

As a “Metroid guy,” I want so badly to write about Metroid Dread. I have lots of thoughts about the game and what it means for the series as a whole. But how do I tackle it?

Continue reading “Back From the Dread”

FINISHED in 2021! (Final update: 12/31/21)

A lot of gamers keep lists of all the games they’ve finished throughout each year. That’s something I’ve always kinda-sorta intended to do, but I’ve tried to keep them all in my head, and at my advanced age (I’m all of forty-damn-seven), that’s nearly impossible for my withered old brain.

So since the beginning of the year, I figured I could keep track of them right here in a blog post, which I continually updated throughout the year. The latest games were added to the top. (I did not include re-playing old games I’ve already finished, like, say, Super Metroid or Mega Man.)

With the final update on New Year’s Eve, I ended up finishing 15 games in 2021. It’s not a lot by some standards, but considering how busy I’ve been with “real life,” I’m fairly pleased with that count, especially considering there are a couple long RPGs on the list. Hopefully 2022 will bring an even longer list, but for now, here’s a look at my year in gaming:

Continue reading “FINISHED in 2021! (Final update: 12/31/21)”

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