
Retro Game SuperHyper

A new blog about old videogames



RGSH Turns 7!

Today is Retro Game SuperHyper’s 7th birthday! Woohoo!

Continue reading “RGSH Turns 7!”

Game Room Setup, Part 2

When we last left off months ago in Game Room Setup, Part 1, we had just finished moving into our house and I had a big mess on my hands that I need to turn into a great space for gaming, streaming, and chilling. Well, we’ve been here for about five months now, and I am happy to report that I have…a…somewhat smaller mess on my hands.

Continue reading “Game Room Setup, Part 2”

Solving the 2023 Portopia Serial Murder Case

A few years ago, I wrote a post called Solving the Portopia Serial Murder Case. In it, I detailed how I spent a fair amount of time examining the English fan translation of the Famicom version of the adventure classic, Portopia, and figuring out how to complete the game efficiently. After playing through it several times and taking detailed notes, I created a walkthrough which I made available to download.

Now, in 2023, Square Enix has released a new version of this hugely influential title, but with a twist: rather than the text parser input of the PC original or the menu-driven gameplay of the Famicom version, this new edition serves as a tech demo of an AI-driven input system which Square Enix is calling NLP, or Natural Language Processing. Allegedly, NLP is able to recognize a wide array of commands typed or spoken and utilize them to control the game. In theory, this could revolutionize the way graphic adventure games are played.

Continue reading “Solving the 2023 Portopia Serial Murder Case”

Quiet (for now)

Big changes coming to RGSH HQ! I know I haven’t written much very regularly anyway, but the blog and the socials attendant thereto will be a bit quiet for a little while as we are in the process of moving into a new place!

With this move will come some very positive changes to my gaming setups, of course, as well as my ability to stream on Twitch and work on various projects. So in the meantime, please stick with me as we look forward to launching into the next phase of Retro Game SuperHyper to provide even better quality content soon! Thanks and keep your eyes peeled for updates!

Level 6!

Today is October 16, 2022, which means it’s Retro Game SuperHyper’s 6th birthday!

Continue reading “Level 6!”

Gamers’ Library: Missile Commander by Tony Temple

After receiving this book as a gift last Christmas, it recently finally reached the top of my reading stack, and I’ve just finished it. Missile Commander is many things: history, tech manual, biography, and some crazy stories. And it’s a book that needed to happen.

Continue reading “Gamers’ Library: Missile Commander by Tony Temple”

Atari XPensive

Atari recently announced the next releases in their XP series of physical game cartridges for the original Atari 2600 console. If you think you’re reading that wrong, let me reiterate — yes, Atari is making 2600 cartridges again.

This time, however, they are probably not ultimately destined for a bargain bin or a landfill.

Continue reading “Atari XPensive”

Back From the Dread

As a “Metroid guy,” I want so badly to write about Metroid Dread. I have lots of thoughts about the game and what it means for the series as a whole. But how do I tackle it?

Continue reading “Back From the Dread”


That’s right, October 16, 2021 marks the 5th anniversary of Retro Game SuperHyper! It’s been five whole years since I was having lunch with my wife and suddenly blurted out, “I think I’m gonna start a retro gaming blog.”

Thanks to all of you for reading the blog and the fanzine! It’s been a light year for blogging but a crazy year for gaming — who would have guessed at the beginning of 2021 that we would be playing a new version of Actraiser, and Metroid Dread, of all things?! I have plans to write about both of those games and lots more, and of course issue 5 of the ‘zine is in the works, so please keep visiting for more!

If you haven’t yet, please follow my Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, pick up a zine or a t-shirt, and let me know you like what RGSH is all about. The retro gaming community is pretty rad and I’m proud to have been a part of it for so long. Game on!

Never Say Never

Just the other day, the Nintendo Direct broadcast on the 23rd of September, 2021, my mind was blown clean out of my skull by Square Enix’s surprise announcement of Actraiser Renaissance, a remake of one of my all-time favorite, put-on-a-pedestal games, Actraiser for the Super NES. Making the news that much more nuclear was the uranium cherry on top: the game was available THAT DAY.

Continue reading “Never Say Never”

Happy 30th, Super NES!

While last November saw the 30th anniversary of Nintendo’s Super Famicom, today is the 30th anniversary of the release of its North American counterpart, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System! Or Super NES, or SNES, or Super Nintendo…however you refer to it, it was 30 years ago that we finally got the big N’s 16-bit powerhouse on this side of the Pacific.

I wrote about my first experiences with the Super Famicom in that article linked above, but I still have a story or two left to tell about the Super NES.

Continue reading “Happy 30th, Super NES!”

Almost-4.5-year State of the Blog Address

Hey there, guys and gals. Look, we need to talk.

*pulls up chair, turns it around, and sits on it backward like a school guidance counselor or church youth group leader who really wants to “rap” some “real talk” with the kids*

So, you guys still liking Retro Game SuperHyper? Yeah? Good! Yeah, no, that’s great, I’m glad to hear it! So before you go freaking out or anything, don’t worry — Retro Game SuperHyper isn’t going anywhere, it’s not getting shut down, the blog is staying right where it is, the t-shirts are still for sale, and the fanzine is continuing.

The reason I wanna talk is because there’s just gonna be a few…changes around here, that’s all. But don’t sweat it, champ! It’s all gonna be good stuff, I promise!

Seriously though, as I approach the fourth-and-a-half-year mark of the blog, I felt the need to shake things up a bit, so I wanted to do my half-year SOTB address (which is usually posted mid-April) a bit early to share my plans!

Continue reading “Almost-4.5-year State of the Blog Address”

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